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Peace Pagoda Darjeeling

Peace Pagoda is one of the Peace Pagodas projected to provide a center for people from all races and creeds to help unite them in their search for world peace.Pagoda was built on 3-11-1872 and it brings a message of non-violence and it purifies and mind of the people.Like most of the other Peace Pagodas, it was built under the guidance of Nichidatsu Fujii (1885–1985), a Buddhist monk from Japan and founder of the Nipponzan-Myōhōji Buddhist Order.The peak of  pagoda from ground is 28.5 metres and diameter is 23 meters and it was designed by Dr.M.Okha and built up in period of 36 months.Four Buddha statues made of  FRB(Fiberglass reinforced plastic) with gold polished eight panels relief carved in sand stone by Sudharshan craft musemu puri with the co-operation of sculptor Y.Matsui.Lord Buddha relics are enshrined in the fountain and the Pinacle of Peace Pagoda.


Raj said...

It purifies and mind indeed.
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